The Addiction Center – INFO on addiction, treatment, and recovery.
The Addiction Center’s site provides information of various drugs/substances and it provides referrals to treatment programs targeted to an individual’s issues & needs. It should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, but as a reference source to discuss with a professional in getting help.
THE ADDICTION CENTER WEBSITE – click to get to site
Addiction Center: 1-877-679-8927 (Treatment Line)
424 E Central Blvd. | #636 | Orlando, FL 32801
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Contact Us
Call today to set up an appointment.
Tel: (207) 200-7050
Fax: (207) 893-1865
Polo Jean-Louis, LCSW
612 Gray Rd, Gorham ME 04038
Tel: (207) 200-7050
Fax: (207) 893-1865
Polo Jean-Louis, LCSW
612 Gray Rd, Gorham ME 04038