Alcohol & Drugs Supportive Recovery Guide
HELP provides a great guide for those who are struggling with substance abuse or dependence. They break down steps to address the problem clearly and how to approach it safely. Their clinicians provide 7 steps in addressing alcohol issues;
1. Commit to stop drinking;
2. Set goals and prepare for change;
3. Get sober safely;
4. Find new meaning in life;
5. Plan for triggers and cravings;
6. Ask for help and support;
7. Get started on treatment.’s Alcohol Addiction Self Help Tools to Help You STOP Drinking and START Recovery
Addictions HELP CENTER @ A comprehensive additions site with a video/audio guided tool kit that provides great information and skills to assist you identify & manage overwhelming stress and emotions.’s mission: ” is to provide you and your family with mental health information you can trust. Our expert, ad-free resources empower you with the knowledge and encouragement you need to take charge of your life and make healthy choices. We believe that with support and self-help options, you can understand, prevent, and resolve many of life’s challenges.”
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Contact Us
Tel: (207) 200-7050
Fax: (207) 893-1865
Polo Jean-Louis, LCSW
612 Gray Rd, Gorham ME 04038